Astra Schedule can be configured to authenticate and manage permissions for users using your institution’s LDAP or Active Directory information. When enabled, this feature performs the following tasks:
•Authenticates login using credentials maintained in your system
•Using the LDAP/Active Directory authentication feature eliminates the need to maintain user names and passwords within Astra Schedule.
NOTE: Because user names and passwords are not maintained by Astra Schedule in this case, the user will not have the ability to change their password within Astra Schedule.
•Automatically adds new authenticated users to the Astra Schedule system
•Using the LDAP/Active Directory authentication feature eliminates the need to manually create new Astra Schedule users. First-time users of the system are added automatically upon successful authentication.
NOTE: Users in the LDAP directory must have a first name, last name and email address in order to be created in Astra Schedule. If any of these are missing, the user will not be added and the authentication will fail.
•Grants Astra Schedule roles based on group membership
•Using the LDAP/Active Directory authentication feature eliminates the need to manually assign roles per user. Role-to-group mapping rules define the permissions that are applied to user records.
Page url: ?usersecurity_ldapauthentication.htm