Calendar API Data Elements and Associations

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Astra Calendar API Data Structures





type : "VCalendarActivity",



   Id: { type:'string' },

   ActivityId: { type:'string' },

   ActivityName: { type:'string' },

   ParentActivityName: { type:'string' },

   Description: { type:'string' },

   StartDate: { type:'date' },

   EndDate: { type:'date' },

   StartMinute: { type:'int' },

   EndMinute: { type:'int' },

   ActivityTypeCode: { type:'int' },

   LocationId: { type:'string' },

   CampusName: { type:'string' },

   BuildingCode: { type:'string' },

   RoomNumber: { type:'string' },

   RoomName: { type:'string' },

   InstitutionId: { type:'string' },

   CreatedDate: { type:'date' },

   CreatedBy: { type:'string' },

   ModifiedDate: { type:'date' },

   ModifiedBy: { type:'string' },

   RowVersion: { type:'int' }






join :


   // one-to-one association (set)

   EventMeetingByActivityId : { type: "EventMeeting", field: "ActivityId", nullable: false, recipName: "VCalendarActivitiesByActivityId", typeField: "ActivityTypeCode", typeValue: "2" }

   ,HolidayByActivityId : { type: "Holiday", field: "ActivityId", nullable: false, recipName: "VCalendarActivitiesByActivityId", typeField: "ActivityTypeCode", typeValue: "6" }

   ,SectionMeetInstanceByActivityId : { type: "SectionMeetInstance", field: "ActivityId", nullable: false, recipName: "VCalendarActivitiesByActivityId", typeField: "ActivityTypeCode", typeValue: "1" }

   ,Location : { type: "RoomConfiguration", field: "LocationId", nullable: true, recipName: "VCalendarActivitiesByLocationId" }





Room related entities






type : "RoomConfiguration",



   Id: { name:'Id', type:'string' },

   RoomId: { name:'RoomId', type:'string' },

   Name: { name:'Name', type:'string' },

   FacilityLayoutId: { name:'FacilityLayoutId', type:'string' },

   OptimizerPriority: { name:'OptimizerPriority', type:'int' },

   Priority: { name:'Priority', type:'int' },

   MeetingCapacity: { name:'MeetingCapacity', type:'int' },

   IsDefault: { name:'IsDefault', type:'boolean' },

   SetupMinutes: { name:'SetupMinutes', type:'int' },

   TeardownMinutes: { name:'TeardownMinutes', type:'int' },

   RequiresAuthorization: { name:'RequiresAuthorization', type:'boolean' },

   Description: { name:'Description', type:'string' },

   SisKey: { name:'SisKey', type:'string' },

   LastSisUpdateDate: { name:'LastSisUpdateDate', type:'date' },

   LastImportedDate: { name:'LastImportedDate', type:'date' },

   LastExportedDate: { name:'LastExportedDate', type:'date' },

   RequiresAttention: { name:'RequiresAttention', type:'boolean' },

   RequiresAttentionReason: { name:'RequiresAttentionReason', type:'string' },

   IsActive: { name:'IsActive', type:'boolean' },

   AccountingKey: { name:'AccountingKey', type:'string' },

   CreatedDate: { name:'CreatedDate', type:'date' },

   CreatedBy: { name:'CreatedBy', type:'string' },

   ModifiedDate: { name:'ModifiedDate', type:'date' },

   ModifiedBy: { name:'ModifiedBy', type:'string' },

   RowVersion: { name:'RowVersion', type:'int' }





join :


   // one-to-one association (set)

   FacilityLayout : { type: "FacilityLayout", field: "FacilityLayoutId", nullable: true, recipName: "RoomConfigurations" }

   ,Room : { type: "Room", owner: "Room", field: "RoomId", nullable: false, recipName: "RoomConfigurations" }


   // one-to-many association (edit)

   ,SandboxSectionMeetings : { type: "SandboxSectionMeeting", field: "RoomConfigurationId", nullable: true, recipName: "RoomConfiguration" }

   ,SectionMeetings : { type: "SectionMeeting", field: "RoomConfigurationId", nullable: true, recipName: "RoomConfiguration" }

   ,SectionMeetInstances : { type: "SectionMeetInstance", field: "RoomConfigurationId", nullable: true, recipName: "RoomConfiguration" }

   ,VCalendarActivitiesByLocationId : { type: "VCalendarActivity", field: "LocationId", nullable: true, recipName: "Location" }






type : "Room",



   Id: { type:'string' },

   Name: { type:'string' },

   Description: { type:'string' },

   RoomNumber: { type:'string' },

   KeyNumber: { type:'string' },

   PhoneAreaCode: { type:'string' },

   PhoneNumber: { type:'string' },

   PhoneExtension: { type:'string' },

   Width: { type:'float' },

   Length: { type:'float' },

   SquareFootage: { type:'float' },

   MaxOccupancy: { type:'int' },

   IsShareable: { type:'boolean' },

   MaxSharedActivities: { type:'int' },

   PriorityId: { type:'string' },

   RoomTypeId: { type:'string' },

   BuildingId: { type:'string' },

   HvacZoneId: { type:'string' },

   SisKey: { type:'string' },

   NoSchedule: { type:'boolean' },

   ArrangedSection: { type:'boolean' },

   DoNotOptimize: { type:'boolean' },

   LastSisUpdateDate: { type:'date' },

   LastImportedDate: { type:'date' },

   LastExportedDate: { type:'date' },

   RequiresAttention: { type:'boolean' },

   RequiresAttentionReason: { type:'string' },

   EffectiveStartDate: { type:'date' },

   EffectiveEndDate: { type:'date' },

   EffectiveParentId: { type:'string' },

   IsActive: { type:'boolean' },

   WorkflowDefinitionId: { type:'string' },

   CreatedDate: { type:'date' },

   CreatedBy: { type:'string' },

   ModifiedDate: { type:'date' },

   ModifiedBy: { type:'string' },

   RowVersion: { type:'int' }






join :


   // one-to-one association (set)

   Building : { type: "Building", owner: "Building", field: "BuildingId", nullable: false, recipName: "Rooms" }

   ,EffectiveParent : { type: "Room", field: "EffectiveParentId", nullable: false, recipName: "RoomsByEffectiveParentId" }

   ,HvacZone : { type: "HvacZone", field: "HvacZoneId", nullable: true, recipName: "Rooms" }

   ,RoomType : { type: "RoomType", field: "RoomTypeId", nullable: false, recipName: "Rooms" }

   ,WorkflowDefinition : { type: "WorkflowDefinition", field: "WorkflowDefinitionId", nullable: true, recipName: "Rooms" }


   // one-to-many association (edit)

   ,AlertsByRelatedItemId : { type: "Alert", owner: "Room", field: "RelatedItemId", nullable: true, recipName: "RoomByRelatedItemId", typeField: "RelatedItemType", typeValue: "Room" }

   ,OptimizerSctMtgSuitRms : { type: "OptimizerSctMtgSuitRm", field: "RoomId", nullable: false, recipName: "Room" }

   ,PrefRuleRoomItems : { type: "PrefRuleRoomItem", owner: "Room", field: "RoomId", nullable: true, recipName: "Room" }

   ,RoomConfigurations : { type: "RoomConfiguration", owner: "Room", field: "RoomId", nullable: false, recipName: "Room" }

   ,RoomConflictsByConflictRoomId : { type: "RoomConflict", owner: "Room", field: "ConflictRoomId", nullable: false, recipName: "ConflictRoom" }

   ,RoomConflicts : { type: "RoomConflict", owner: "Room", field: "RoomId", nullable: false, recipName: "Room" }

   ,RoomsByEffectiveParentId : { type: "Room", field: "EffectiveParentId", nullable: false, recipName: "EffectiveParent" }

   ,RoomFeatureQuantities : { type: "RoomFeatureQuantity", owner: "Room", field: "RoomId", nullable: false, recipName: "Room" }

   ,NotesByRecordId : { type: "Note", owner: "Room", field: "RecordId", nullable: false, recipName: "RoomByRecordId", typeField: "NoteTypeId", typeValue: "ad950a8d-046b-4d25-b079-5845a0f5530a" }

   ,RoomPartitionsByPartitionRoomId : { type: "RoomPartition", owner: "Room", field: "PartitionRoomId", nullable: false, recipName: "PartitionRoom" }

   ,RoomPartitions : { type: "RoomPartition", owner: "Room", field: "RoomId", nullable: false, recipName: "Room" }

   ,ProfileItemsByDataValueId : { type: "ProfileItem", owner: "Room", field: "DataValueId", nullable: false, recipName: "RoomByDataValueId", typeField: "ValueDataTypeId", typeValue: "759385fd-0d7c-4f3f-95d2-2f6757cb5606" }

   ,TimetableSctMtgSuitRms : { type: "TimetableSctMtgSuitRm", field: "RoomId", nullable: false, recipName: "Room" }

   ,UserFieldValuesByRecordId : { type: "UserFieldValue", owner: "Room", field: "RecordId", nullable: false, recipName: "RoomByRecordId", typeField: "TableName", typeValue: "Rooms" }


   // many-to-many association (add/remove)

   ,Regions : { type: "Region", matrix: "RoomRegion", role: "RoomId", recipName: "Rooms", recipRole: "RegionId" }

   ,AdHocRequestSettings : { type: "AdHocRequestSetting", matrix: "AdHocRequestSttngRoom", role: "RoomId", recipName: "Rooms", recipRole: "AdHocRequestSettingId" }




Section related entities






type : "SectionMeetInstance",



   Id: { type:'string' },

   SectionMeetingId: { type:'string' },

   MeetingDate: { type:'date' },

   DayMask: { type:'int' },

   StartMinute: { type:'int' },

   Duration: { type:'int' },

   IsException: { type:'boolean' },

   IsCancellation: { type:'boolean' },

   RoomConfigurationId: { type:'string' },

   UsageTypeCode: { type:'int' },

   CreatedDate: { type:'date' },

   CreatedBy: { type:'string' },

   ModifiedDate: { type:'date' },

   ModifiedBy: { type:'string' },

   RowVersion: { type:'int' }






join :


   // one-to-one association (set)

   RoomConfiguration : { type: "RoomConfiguration", field: "RoomConfigurationId", nullable: true, recipName: "SectionMeetInstances" }

   ,SectionMeeting : { type: "SectionMeeting", owner: "SectionMeeting", field: "SectionMeetingId", nullable: false, recipName: "SectionMeetInstances" }


   // one-to-many association (edit)

   ,VCalendarActivitiesByActivityId : { type: "VCalendarActivity", field: "ActivityId", nullable: false, recipName: "SectionMeetInstanceByActivityId", typeField: "ActivityTypeCode", typeValue: "1" }







type : "SectionMeeting",



   Id: { type:'string' },

   MeetingTypeId: { type:'string' },

   DaysMetMask: { type:'int' },

   StartMinute: { type:'int' },

   Duration: { type:'int' },

   StartDate: { type:'date' },

   EndDate: { type:'date' },

   Enrollment: { type:'int' },

   MaxEnrollment: { type:'int' },

   PrimaryInstructorId: { type:'string' },

   MeetingPatternTimeId: { type:'string' },

   HasIncompleteMtgPattern: { type:'boolean' },

   RoomConfigurationId: { type:'string' },

   IsExam: { type:'boolean' },

   ExamParentSectionMtgId: { type:'string' },

   ExamSessionId: { type:'string' },

   ExamSettingTypeCode: { type:'int' },

   Req2XCap: { type:'boolean' },

   IsOnline: { type:'boolean' },

   IsArranged: { type:'boolean' },

   CrosslistId: { type:'string' },

   SectionId: { type:'string' },

   EstimatedEnrollment: { type:'int' },

   PriorEnrollment: { type:'int' },

   EditingStatusCode: { type:'int' },

   UsageTypeCode: { type:'int' },

   IsValidDoubleBooked: { type:'boolean' },

   DoNotImportRoomAssignment: { type:'boolean' },

   ContactHours: { type:'float' },

   SisKey: { type:'string' },

   LastSisUpdateDate: { type:'date' },

   LastImportedDate: { type:'date' },

   LastExportedDate: { type:'date' },

   RequiresAttention: { type:'boolean' },

   RequiresAttentionReason: { type:'string' },

   CreatedDate: { type:'date' },

   CreatedBy: { type:'string' },

   ModifiedDate: { type:'date' },

   ModifiedBy: { type:'string' },

   RowVersion: { type:'int' }






join :


   // one-to-one association (set)

   ExamParentSectionMtg : { type: "SectionMeeting", field: "ExamParentSectionMtgId", nullable: true, recipName: "SectionMeetingsByExamParentSectionMtgId" }

   ,Crosslist : { type: "Crosslist", field: "CrosslistId", nullable: true, recipName: "SectionMeetings" }

   ,ExamSession : { type: "ExamSession", field: "ExamSessionId", nullable: true, recipName: "SectionMeetings" }

   ,MeetingType : { type: "MeetingType", field: "MeetingTypeId", nullable: false, recipName: "SectionMeetings" }

   ,PrimaryInstructor : { type: "Instructor", field: "PrimaryInstructorId", nullable: true, recipName: "SectionMeetingsByPrimaryInstructorId" }

   ,RoomConfiguration : { type: "RoomConfiguration", field: "RoomConfigurationId", nullable: true, recipName: "SectionMeetings" }

   ,Section : { type: "Section", owner: "Section", field: "SectionId", nullable: false, recipName: "SectionMeetings" }

   ,MeetingPatternTime : { type: "MeetingPatternTime", field: "MeetingPatternTimeId", nullable: true, recipName: "SectionMeetings" }


   // one-to-many association (edit)

   ,PrefRuleCriteria : { type: "PrefRuleCriteria", owner: "SectionMeeting", field: "SectionMeetingId", nullable: true, recipName: "SectionMeeting" }

   ,SectionMeetingsByExamParentSectionMtgId : { type: "SectionMeeting", field: "ExamParentSectionMtgId", nullable: true, recipName: "ExamParentSectionMtg" }

   ,NotesByRecordId : { type: "Note", owner: "SectionMeeting", field: "RecordId", nullable: false, recipName: "SectionMeetingByRecordId", typeField: "NoteTypeId", typeValue: "f83d52af-6f72-411f-8777-832013c6b27d" }

   ,SectionMeetInstances : { type: "SectionMeetInstance", owner: "SectionMeeting", field: "SectionMeetingId", nullable: false, recipName: "SectionMeeting" }

   ,SubSisKeysByEntityId : { type: "SubSisKey", owner: "SectionMeeting", field: "EntityId", nullable: false, recipName: "SectionMeetingByEntityId", typeField: "EntityType", typeValue: "SectionMeeting" }

   ,UserFieldValuesByRecordId : { type: "UserFieldValue", owner: "SectionMeeting", field: "RecordId", nullable: false, recipName: "SectionMeetingByRecordId", typeField: "TableName", typeValue: "SectionMeetings" }


   // many-to-many association (add/remove)

   ,Instructors : { type: "Instructor", matrix: "SectionMeetingInstructor", role: "SectionMeetingId", recipName: "SectionMeetings", recipRole: "InstructorId" }







type : "Section",



   Id: { type:'string' },

   TermId: { type:'string' },

   CampusId: { type:'string' },

   CourseDeliveryMethodId: { type:'string' },

   SectionTitle: { type:'string' },

   SectionCode: { type:'string' },

   DoNotOptimize: { type:'boolean' },

   DoNotOptimizeInstructor: { type:'boolean' },

   DoNotOptimizeTime: { type:'boolean' },

   CourseTitleId: { type:'string' },

   IsCanceled: { type:'boolean' },

   SISEnrollment: { type:'int' },

   SISMaxEnrollment: { type:'int' },

   AdjustedMaxEnrollment: { type:'int' },

   CalculatedSeats: { type:'int' },

   EstimatedEnrollment: { type:'int' },

   CensusEnrollment: { type:'int' },

   CensusEnrollmentDate: { type:'date' },

   CensusEnrollment2: { type:'int' },

   CensusEnrollmentDate2: { type:'date' },

   IsPreReq: { type:'boolean' },

   IsGradeable: { type:'boolean' },

   EnrollmentWaiting: { type:'int' },

   WaitingAvailCount: { type:'int' },

   WaitingCapacity: { type:'int' },

   IsLinkParent: { type:'boolean' },

   IgnoreInAnalysis: { type:'boolean' },

   ContainsCrossList: { type:'boolean' },

   SISCrossEnrlError: { type:'boolean' },

   LinkedSectionId: { type:'string' },

   SisKey: { type:'string' },

   LastSisUpdateDate: { type:'date' },

   LastImportedDate: { type:'date' },

   LastExportedDate: { type:'date' },

   RequiresAttention: { type:'boolean' },

   RequiresAttentionReason: { type:'string' },

   IsActive: { type:'boolean' },

   CreatedDate: { type:'date' },

   CreatedBy: { type:'string' },

   ModifiedDate: { type:'date' },

   ModifiedBy: { type:'string' },

   RowVersion: { type:'int' }






join :


   // one-to-one association (set)

   Campus : { type: "Campus", owner: "Campus", field: "CampusId", nullable: false, recipName: "Sections" }

   ,CourseDeliveryMethod : { type: "CourseDeliveryMethod", owner: "CourseDeliveryMethod", field: "CourseDeliveryMethodId", nullable: false, recipName: "Sections" }

   ,LinkedSection : { type: "LinkedSection", field: "LinkedSectionId", nullable: true, recipName: "Sections" }

   ,Term : { type: "Term", owner: "Term", field: "TermId", nullable: false, recipName: "Sections" }


   // one-to-many association (edit)

   ,AnalysisHistoricalTermSections : { type: "AnalysisHistoricalTermSection", field: "SectionId", nullable: false, recipName: "Section" }

   ,AnalysisSections : { type: "AnalysisSection", field: "SectionId", nullable: false, recipName: "Section" }

   ,PgmStudHistoryCourses : { false, type: "PgmStudHistoryCourse", field: "SectionId", nullable: true, recipName: "Section" }

   ,SectionMeetings : { type: "SectionMeeting", owner: "Section", field: "SectionId", nullable: false, recipName: "Section" }

   ,NotesByRecordId : { type: "Note", owner: "Section", field: "RecordId", nullable: false, recipName: "SectionByRecordId", typeField: "NoteTypeId", typeValue: "946b2278-95e8-4695-871e-7d19bfece492" }

   ,StudentHistoryCourses : { type: "StudentHistoryCourse", field: "SectionId", nullable: true, recipName: "Section" }

   ,StudentPlannedCourses : { type: "StudentPlannedCourse", field: "SectionId", nullable: true, recipName: "Section" }

   ,UserFieldValuesByRecordId : { type: "UserFieldValue", owner: "Section", field: "RecordId", nullable: false, recipName: "SectionByRecordId", typeField: "TableName", typeValue: "Sections" }




Event related entities






type : "EventMeeting",



   Id: { type:'string' },

   MeetingNumber: { type:'int' },

   Name: { type:'string' },

   EventId: { type:'string' },

   WorkflowIntent: { type:'string' },

   WorkflowIntentOwnerId: { type:'string' },

   WorkflowState: { type:'string' },

   IsRoomRequired: { type:'boolean' },

   EventMeetingTypeId: { type:'string' },

   EventMeetingGroupId: { type:'string' },

   StartDate: { type:'date' },

   EndDate: { type:'date' },

   DaysMask: { type:'int' },

   StartMinute: { type:'int' },

   EndMinute: { type:'int' },

   RecurrencePatternId: { type:'string' },

   MaxAttendance: { type:'int' },

   ActualAttendance: { type:'int' },

   CustomerContactId: { type:'string' },

   InstitutionContactId: { type:'string' },

   IsFeatured: { type:'boolean' },

   IsPrivate: { type:'boolean' },

   IsException: { type:'boolean' },

   Description: { type:'string' },

   OwnerId: { type:'string' },

   AccountingKey: { type:'string' },

   SisKey: { type:'string' },

   RequiresAttention: { type:'boolean' },

   RequiresAttentionReason: { type:'string' },

   LastSisUpdateDate: { type:'date' },

   LastImportedDate: { type:'date' },

   LastExportedDate: { type:'date' },

   CreatedDate: { type:'date' },

   CreatedBy: { type:'string' },

   ModifiedDate: { type:'date' },

   ModifiedBy: { type:'string' },

   RowVersion: { type:'int' }






join :


   // one-to-one association (set)

   CustomerContact : { type: "CustomerContact", field: "CustomerContactId", nullable: true, recipName: "EventMeetings" }

   ,Event : { type: "Event", owner: "Event", field: "EventId", nullable: false, recipName: "EventMeetings" }

   ,EventMeetingGroup : { type: "EventMeetingGroup", owner: "EventMeetingGroup", field: "EventMeetingGroupId", nullable: true, recipName: "EventMeetings" }

   ,EventMeetingType : { type: "EventMeetingType", field: "EventMeetingTypeId", nullable: true, recipName: "EventMeetings" }

   ,RecurrencePattern : { type: "RecurrencePattern", field: "RecurrencePatternId", nullable: true, recipName: "EventMeetings" }

   ,Owner : { type: "User", field: "OwnerId", nullable: false, recipName: "EventMeetingsByOwnerId" }

   ,WorkflowIntentOwner : { type: "User", field: "WorkflowIntentOwnerId", nullable: false, recipName: "EventMeetingsByWorkflowIntentOwnerId" }


   // one-to-many association (edit)

   ,AlertsByRelatedItemId : { type: "Alert", owner: "EventMeeting", field: "RelatedItemId", nullable: true, recipName: "EventMeetingByRelatedItemId", typeField: "RelatedItemType", typeValue: "EventMeeting" }

   ,VCalendarActivitiesByActivityId : { type: "VCalendarActivity", field: "ActivityId", nullable: false, recipName: "EventMeetingByActivityId", typeField: "ActivityTypeCode", typeValue: "2" }

   ,NotesByRecordId : { type: "Note", owner: "EventMeeting", field: "RecordId", nullable: false, recipName: "EventMeetingByRecordId", typeField: "NoteTypeId", typeValue: "22d4a33e-7ff5-4cb2-9cbd-4c7b15de01b6" }

   ,EventMeetingResources : { type: "EventMeetingResource", owner: "EventMeeting", field: "EventMeetingId", nullable: false, recipName: "EventMeeting" }

   ,PrePostMeetings : { type: "PrePostMeeting", owner: "EventMeeting", field: "EventMeetingId", nullable: false, recipName: "EventMeeting" }

   ,ResourceReservationsByActivityId : { type: "ResourceReservation", owner: "EventMeeting", field: "ActivityId", nullable: false, recipName: "EventMeetingByActivityId", typeField: "ActivityTypeCode", typeValue: "2" }

   ,SetupTeardownWindows : { type: "SetupTeardownWindow", owner: "EventMeeting", field: "EventMeetingId", nullable: false, recipName: "EventMeeting" }

   ,UserFieldValuesByRecordId : { type: "UserFieldValue", owner: "EventMeeting", field: "RecordId", nullable: false, recipName: "EventMeetingByRecordId", typeField: "TableName", typeValue: "EventMeetingForm" }

   ,WorkflowInstancesByRelatedItemId : { type: "WorkflowInstance", owner: "EventMeeting", field: "RelatedItemId", nullable: true, recipName: "EventMeetingByRelatedItemId", typeField: "RelatedItemType", typeValue: "EventMeeting" }







type : "Event",



   Id: { type:'string' },

   ReservationNumber: { type:'string' },

   Name: { type:'string' },

   WorkflowInstanceId: { type:'string' },

   EditCounter: { type:'int' },

   WorkflowIntent: { type:'string' },

   WorkflowIntentOwnerId: { type:'string' },

   WorkflowState: { type:'string' },

   EventTypeId: { type:'string' },

   CustomerId: { type:'string' },

   PrimaryCustomerContactId: { type:'string' },

   DoNotifyPrimaryContact: { type:'boolean' },

   EstimatedAttendance: { type:'int' },

   InstitutionContactId: { type:'string' },

   IsFeatured: { type:'boolean' },

   IsPrivate: { type:'boolean' },

   Description: { type:'string' },

   OwnerId: { type:'string' },

   InstitutionId: { type:'string' },

   EventRequestId: { type:'string' },

   AccountingKey: { type:'string' },

   SisKey: { type:'string' },

   RequiresAttention: { type:'boolean' },

   RequiresAttentionReason: { type:'string' },

   LastSisUpdateDate: { type:'date' },

   LastImportedDate: { type:'date' },

   LastExportedDate: { type:'date' },

   CreatedDate: { type:'date' },

   CreatedBy: { type:'string' },

   ModifiedDate: { type:'date' },

   ModifiedBy: { type:'string' },

   RowVersion: { type:'int' }






join :


   // one-to-one association (set)

   Customer : { type: "Customer", field: "CustomerId", nullable: true, recipName: "Events" }

   ,EventRequest : { type: "EventRequest", owner: "Event", field: "EventRequestId", nullable: true, recipName: "Events" }

   ,EventType : { type: "EventType", field: "EventTypeId", nullable: true, recipName: "Events" }

   ,Owner : { type: "User", field: "OwnerId", nullable: false, recipName: "EventsByOwnerId" }

   ,PrimaryCustomerContact : { type: "CustomerContact", field: "PrimaryCustomerContactId", nullable: true, recipName: "EventsByPrimaryCustomerContactId" }

   ,WorkflowInstance : { type: "WorkflowInstance", owner: "Event", field: "WorkflowInstanceId", nullable: true, recipName: "Events" }

   ,WorkflowIntentOwner : { type: "User", field: "WorkflowIntentOwnerId", nullable: false, recipName: "EventsByWorkflowIntentOwnerId" }


   // one-to-many association (edit)

   ,AlertsByRelatedItemId : { type: "Alert", owner: "Event", field: "RelatedItemId", nullable: true, recipName: "EventByRelatedItemId", typeField: "RelatedItemType", typeValue: "Event" }

   ,EventContacts : { type: "EventContact", owner: "Event", field: "EventId", nullable: false, recipName: "Event" }

   ,EventMeetings : { type: "EventMeeting", owner: "Event", field: "EventId", nullable: false, recipName: "Event" }

   ,EventMeetingGroups : { type: "EventMeetingGroup", owner: "Event", field: "EventId", nullable: false, recipName: "Event" }

   ,NotesByRecordId : { type: "Note", owner: "Event", field: "RecordId", nullable: false, recipName: "EventByRecordId", typeField: "NoteTypeId", typeValue: "8c3b44a1-bd0c-4101-ac32-8e9bd798ae6d" }

   ,UserFieldValuesByRecordId : { type: "UserFieldValue", owner: "Event", field: "RecordId", nullable: false, recipName: "EventByRecordId", typeField: "TableName", typeValue: "EventForm" }


   // many-to-many association (add/remove)

   ,CustomerContacts : { type: "CustomerContact", matrix: "EventCustomerContact", role: "EventId", recipName: "Events", recipRole: "CustomerContactId" }


Page url: ?calendarapidataelementsandassociations.htm