Add a Person

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Certain people records may be added to the system automatically during import processes. For example, when academic section records are imported, the instructors assigned to those records are added to the database. Other contacts may be added manually at any time. To add a new person record to the system, perform the following:


1.Click the People tab.


2.Click the People option.


3.Click the Add Person button.


4.Specify the basic contact information in the Person Info box at the top of the form.

NoteNOTE: Each person record in the system must have a unique email address provided. The email field is the unique identifier for each record.


5.Select a Primary Responsibility from the drop-down list. This will be the responsibility shown on the people list page and is used when a default is required for the person in question.


6.From the Responsibilities list, select all responsibilities with which the person is associated, including the Primary Responsibility.

NoteNOTE: Certain responsibilities have other information that may be recorded or viewed (i.e. customer associations and user information). Whether or not these other elements are available on the person’s record is dependent on the corresponding responsibility options being checked.


7.If the person is a customer contact for events, you may associate them with a customer by clicking on the Associate New Customer button. Select the associated customer using the drop-down menu and enter any contact information that is unique to their association with the customer. Click Save to save the customer contact information and return to the person’s record.


8.If the person is an instructor you may choose to copy their general contact information or specify new contact information specific to their role as an instructor.


9.Click Save to add the person to the system and return to the list.

Page url: ?people_addperson.htm