Course Summary (Addition_Reduction) Report Key

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Definition of Report Fields

Subject/Course/Campus - Subject, Course and Campus code of the course in the analysis term.


Sections - Number of sections of a course offered in the analysis term.


Seats Offered - Number of seats offered of that course in the analysis term.


Baseline Demand - Demand for seats of that course in the Baseline Term.


Historical Trend Demand - Demand calculated from historical trend of like terms in the analysis.


Blended Demand - Blended baseline and historical demand.


Diff. - Difference between seats offered and blended demand (seats offered - blended demand).


Baseline Sections Offered - Number of sections offered of the course in the baseline term.


Average Baseline Section Max Enroll - Average section max enrollment of the course in the baseline term.


Average Baseline Section Enroll - Average section enrollment of the course in the baseline term.


Baseline Enrollment Ratio - Ratio of the average baseline section enroll to the average baseline section max enroll (average baseline section enroll / average baseline section max enroll).


Sections Needed - Estimated number of needed sections in the analysis term based on dividing blended demand divided by average baseline max enrollment (if average baseline max enrollment is 0 or null, baseline max enrollment is divided by 15 for this calculation).


Reduction Candidates - Estimated number of sections of the course that could be reduced by calculating sections offered and subtracting sections needed.


Elimination Candidates - Projects whether an entire course could potentially be eliminated from the analysis term.  Elimination candidates have blended demand less than 10 and an enrollment ratio less than 50%.

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